Aménagement stade d’Aviron – lac d’Aiguebelette
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Installation of the stadium of Aviron – Lake Aiguebelette

The construction site consists of moving the rowing pool on the lake of aiguebelette in Savoie ( 73 ) to allow to welcome safely the visitors coming to see the final events of the world championship played in 2015.
The works included the installation of a starting pontoon of about 90 ml on existing concrete piers to be repaired and on beaten metal piles to extend the existing one. The pontoon was equipped with 11 electric winches for winding and unwinding the racing lines.
At the same time, the new racing lines were installed. These lines are installed on concrete blocks of size and weight varying from 6 to 27 tons by means of 400 mm stainless steel buoys.
A total of 36 blocks were installed at depths ranging from 4 to 60 ml and nearly 2500 ml of tension cable connecting 28 stainless steel buoys arranged.
At the same time, 260 ml of spawning ground protection devices were installed.
The concrete blocks were installed from a laying pontoon with the assistance of divers.

Floating pontoon
Lake Aiguebelette, France