Material and equipment
The maintenance and continuous improvement of our equipments is the main activity of our workshop based in Fos sur Mer. With a 100 metre long quay and a 3 hectare quayside platform, Negri maintains its fleet of more than 20 units by its own means, ensuring their smooth operation in France and abroad. This infrastructure also allows us to prepare efficiently the logistics of our export operations.
Using this knowledge of this equipment, Negri develops and designs its new tools in order to respond efficiently to the expectations of its customers.
Select a category below and discover our equipments
Jack-up platform
A self-lifting pontoon is a floating pontoon equipped with piles mounted on a jack, the piles can go up or down in relation to the pontoon. When the piles are in contact with the seabed, the pontoon can move up and down on the piles until it comes out of the water. This technology makes it possible to carry out work in an agitated area from a fixed platform.

Jack up "Josefina"
Characteristics : Self-elevating monohull pontoon
Dimensions : 30 m x 18 m x 3 m
Length of piles : 36 m possible extension to 42 mètres
Capacity : 400 Tonnes
Equipements : 4 capstans, 4 power unit, workshop

Jack up "Adrianette"
Characteristics : Modular self-elevating pontoon
Dimensions : 19.8 m x 12.6 m x 1.52 m
Length of piles : 27 m
Capacity : 80 Tonnes
Equipements : 2 cabstans, 1 power unit

Jack up "Adriana"
Characteristics : Modular self-elevating pontoon
Dimensions : 27 m x 17 m x 2.42 m
Length of piles : 36 m possible extension to 42 m
Capacity : 250 Tonnes
Equipements : 4 cabstans, 2 power unit, workshop
Dredging and reclamation
Dredges are used to maintain draughts in ports and marinas. Floating pontoons are equipped with crane and grab bucket for maintenance dredging. The dredged material is removed by barge. Negri also carries out hydraulic sand reloading of beaches.

Drague "Ellicott 370"
Characteristics : Geostationary dredger Ellicott 370
Dimensions : 17.5 m x 3.6 m x 1.22 m
Power: 445 HP
Dredging depth: 8 m

Valve "EJN 16"
Dimensions : 18.1 m x 6.0 m x 1.7 m
Capacity : 45 m3

Split barge "Mirabeau"
Dimensions : 23.9 m x 9.0 m x 3.0 m
Capacity : 250 m3
Propulsion: 2 hydraulic power units 2 x 250 HP
Equipements : 1 anchor winche, 1 power unit 55kVA
Floating pontoon
Floating pontoons are the heart of Negri’s fleet, equipped with crane, fixed mast, drill, and other tools, they allow to carry out the main maritime works and port maintenance. Equipped with an access ramp, the pontoons can take on board trucks, loaders, as well as riprap or tubes to supply the construction or maintenance sites.

Shear legs "Kinard"
Characteristics : Floating pontoon equipped with a fixed capacity mast 160 T at 13.5 m, 200T at 10 m ou 60 T at 20 m
Dimensions : 45 m x 15 m x 3 m
Capacity : 800 Tonnes
Equipements : 6 cabstans, 4 hoists 15 T, 1 power unit 30 kVA, 1 hydropower station et 1 emergency hydropower station, control cabin

Pontoon "Sisyphe"
Characteristics : Floating pontoon equipped with access ramp of 10 m x 10 m for machines up to 100 tonnes
Dimensions : 65.3 m x 15 m x 3.3 m
Capacity : 1500 Tonnes
Equipements : 4 Hoists 25 T, 2 Power units 275 kVA and 1 Power unit 20 kVA

Crane pontoon "EJN 24"
Characteristics: Floating pontoon
Dimensions : 30 m x 11.30 m x 2.70 m
Capacity : 380 Tonnes (crane 80 T + 300 T)
Equipements : 4 Hauling winches

Crane pontoon "EJN 25"
Characteristics: Floating pontoon
Dimensions : 25 m x 10 m x 2 m
Capacity : 250 Tonnes (crane 50 T + 200 T)
Equipements : 4 Hauling winches

Crane pontoon "EJN 14 B"
Characteristics: Floating pontoon
Dimensions : 17.5 m x 7.15 m x 2.1 m
Capacity : 30 Tonnes (pelle 25 T + 5 T)
Equipements : 4 Hauling winches
Service vessels
Service vessels allow the pontoons to be used to carry out the work. Tugboats, motorboats, pushers, and rowboats are used to tow, move anchors, lift the equipments and refuel the pontoons.

Tugboat "Popeye"
Characteristics: Steel hull tug
Dimensions : 16.6 m x 6 m
Draft: 2.3 m
Power: 1200 HP
Hook capacity: 16 Tonnes

Tugboat "Lutin"
Characteristics: Steel hull tug
Dimensions: 11.4 m x 4 m
Draft: 1.80 m
Power: 330 HP
Hook capacity: 3 Tonnes

Tugboat "Sorente"
Characteristics: Steel hull tug transportable by Flat
Dimensions: 9.9 m x 3.5 m
Draft: 1.6 m
Power: 300 HP
Hook capacity: 2.6 Tonnes

Motorboat "Morrocoyo"
Characteristics: Aluminum utility motorboat
Dimensions: 12 m x 4 m
Draft: 1.2 m
Power: 460 HP
Anchor lift capacity: 1.5 Tonnes

Service vessel "Ker-pont"
Characteristics: Dredge utility vessel
Dimensions: 10.23 m x 3.7 m
Draft: 1.2 m
Power: 280 HP
Anchor lift capacity: 1 Tonne
Hook capacity: 3 Tonnes
Driving equipment
The pile-driving equipment installed on our cranes enables the piles or sheet piling of maritime structures. With a wide range of diesel hammer, hydraulic drill, vibratory driver, as well as adapted power plants, EJN carries out the majority of its projects with its own equipments.

Hammer BSP Cx 140
Characteristics: Hydraulic hammer
Total weight: 24 Tonnes
Striking weight: 11 Tonnes
Max energy: 140 kN.m

Hammer BSP Cx 110
Characteristics: Hydraulic hammer
Total weight: 20 Tonnes
Striking weight: 9 Tonnes
Max energy: 110 kN.m

Vibratory driver PTC 60 Hv
Characteristics: Vibratory driver with standard frequency and variable moment
Total weight: 7.2 Tonnes
Centrifugal force: 1893 kN
Hydraulic power: 598 HP